Literature Review #5
Alexander, Steve, and Karen Alexander. Crop Circles: Signs, Wonders and Mysteries. Arcturus, 2014.
The book “Crop Circles: Signs, Wonders and Mysteries” by Steve and Karen Alexander talks about the many different crop circles that include geometric shapes and symbols into the formations and the secrets that are hidden within them. Steve and Karen Alexander reveal the secret behind the different symbols and designs that the crop circles portray including geometric shapes, numerology, and mystical concepts. how crop circles have evolved from when they were first discovered to now. Alexander discusses how crop circles incorporate ancient designs which have been used in the creation of holy space. Concepts such as numerology which have been forgotten in modern times are brought back into discussion through crop circles. This book expands on the many different cases of crop circles that include designs that are forgotten and is looked at by Steve and Karen to reveal the secret behind them.
Steve Alexander is a crop circle researcher who has been photographing crop circles for almost 30 years. During the 30 years, Steve and Karen had provided quality photographs and videos of ball lightning of crop circles. Since 1999, each year Steve and Karen hold an annual Year Book to showcase the different crop circle formations of that year. I believe that Steve and Karen Alexander are very knowledgeable on the topic of crop circles because they have both presented an interest in it since the very beginning. Steve, having witnessed a strange light gliding over a crop circle field and fly off, knew this phenomenon had to be documented. Steve and Karen have background knowledge on crop circles due to the number of years that they have into researching and documenting them. They have also published many books on crop circles including a movie on it. This enables them to understand crop circles and how they are viewed.
Key Terms:
Symbolism: use of symbols to represent ideas
Secret: something not properly understood
“On design alone, the crop circles of the past twenty years or so deserve a second look, as so much of what they symbolize is intelligent, significant and even pertinent to our world”(Alexander et al. 11).
“Taken as a body of work, these gigantic symbols and mandalas seem to express something very deep about the nature of the world, and suggest a means of looking at reality in an entirely new way” (Alexander et al. 18).
“The mysterious and solitary nature of the circle has made it synonymous with divinity down the ages. It is loaded with symbolism, signifying a meaning beyond its functional form. It embodies a whole set of philosophic” (Alexander et al. 21).
This book will help me explore my research question since it provides information about how crop circles are viewed and how crop circles include designs that have a relation to the past, The discussion of the crop circles adds insight into the secrets that are associated with the design that is incorporated and also expands on the aspect of symbolism and incorporates it into the analysis of the crop circle design.
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