Blog #8: Case

The following case is from Jerry Kroth’s book, “Messages from the gods: A scientific exposition on the extraterrestrial origin of crop circles”. A crop circle that Kroth mentions in his book is the crop circle found near Oldbury nuclear reactor on July 18, 2010. This crop circle had no trace of footprints leaving or entering, which led Kroth to choose this crop circle in the first place. This crop circle portrays two large circles that have rings around them, which a physician says represents the electron shell of an element that is radioactive, specifically polonium, astatine, and cesium. The two smaller circles represent the electron shell of the radioactive element, beryllium. If a line is drawn through the two circles’ nucleus, it points straight to a nuclear power station located across the river. 

The significance of this crop circle's location is that close to a year after this crop circle had been discovered, an incident occurred, which led to the plant’s closing. The fumes from the plant had been affecting society and had to be removed. It had been discovered that the contaminants of the elements found from the crop circle, polonium, astatine, and beryllium,  were found at the site. 

Kroth believed that the hidden message behind the crop circle was that these elements could threaten the planet and society. This crop circle is a critical case as it demonstrates how humans interpret crop circles using symbolism with the perception that aliens are potential creators. The statement that was unveiled warned the human race of potential danger. This case illustrates my frame and efficiently demonstrates the meaning behind these crop circles portrayed through the rings’ symbolism. 


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